Regular readers may have noticed that my posts have been thin on the ground during the past academic year. This is because I was preparing for my Finals exams at Oxford and had lamentably little time for extra-curricular history, as it were. I finished Finals in June, but the intervening time has been a whirlwind of …
Category: History

“Dance’s Historical Miscellany” is one year old today!
Exactly one year ago, on 25th May 2013, I posted my first article, writing about my inspiration and aspirations for this blog. 18,888 page views later, "Dance's Historical Miscellany" has been more successful than I could have ever hoped. When I started, I imagined that it would remain very small scale, perhaps read mainly …
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Miss Tickletoby’s Lectures on English History: The Norman Conquest
In 1842, William Thackeray published the fourth of his satirical pieces titled Miss Tickletoby's Lectures on English History, in Punch magazine, for which he was a regular contributor. They are a hilarious send-up of 19th-century English education, as captured through the lectures of the imaginary schoolmistress/historian, Miss Tickletoby. Readers who can remember Our Island Story may see some similarities …
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